Arrondissment: La Cité-Limoilou
Address: 6 rue Robert-Rumilly
Nearest bus stop: Parc Victoria (buses 3, 4, 28, 64, 65, 74, 82, 84, 86, 801, 931)
Parking: Free car park at 1 rue du Cardinal Maurice Roy (maximum 1 hour)
Playground surface: Rubber
Age range: 18 months-5 years; 5-12 years
Swings? Yes - 4 for babies; 4 for older children
Sandbox? No
Splashpad? Yes
Swimming pool? Yes, there is an indoor pool called Piscine Lucien-Flamand, which is in the CPF Wilbrod-Bherer. There is also an outdoor pool nearby at Marina St-Roch on rue du Pont, just across the bridge (Passerelle Adrien-Pouliot).
Toilets? Yes
Picnic tables? Yes
Other facilities: Baseball field, basketball court, beach volleyball court, football (soccer) pitches (1 grass, 1 synthetic), ice rink, skate park, tennis courts.
What I liked: The playground is probably the best I have seen, with the largest variety of equipment, some of which is accessible by ramp for wheelchair users - though it should be noted that most of it is suitable for 5-12 year olds only. There is a smaller playground for younger children on the other side of the park, near rue Chênevert, but it’s pretty basic.
What I didn’t like: Before COVID-19, I could never find a parking space. The dedicated car park outside Stade Canac (the baseball stadium)/Club Social Victoria was nearly always full by the time I got there. I used to park on the street (avenue Simon-Napoléon Parent) near the playground, but that’s no longer allowed.

Tip: You fancy a nice walk, you can cross the bridge (Passerelle des Trois-Soeurs) to the Parc linéaire de la Rivière-Saint-Charles, a 32km trail, which follows the river from its source at Lac Saint-Charles to its mouth near the Old Port.