Arrondissment: Charlesbourg
Address: Boulevard du Loiret, Quebec, QC, G2L
Nearest bus stop: The Closest bus-stop found includes an hour walk before arriving at the park
Parking: street parking with no time limit
Playground surface: Woodchips
Age range: 18 months and up
Swings? No
Sandbox? No
Swimming pool? No
Toilets? No
Picnic tables? Yes
Other facilities: Beautiful walking trail that is skinny but stroller friendly and a duck pond
What I liked: along the side of the walking trail the trees and wooded area is very visible so my toddler could run through the trees beside me and I was able to see him the whole time allowing him to explore a bit on his own.The smaller child play structure had a lot of climbing places and very entertaining.
What I didn’t like: lack of shade for babies that are not mobile and able to play at the playground area