Arrondissment: La Cité-Limoilou
Address: 827 avenue de Vimy (off Chemin Sainte-Foy)
Nearest bus stop: de Vimy (807,907)
Parking: Free street parking (maximum 1 hour)
Playground surface: Wood chips
Age range: 18 months-5 years
Swings? Yes - 4 for babies; 4 for older children
Sandbox? No
Splashpad? No
Swimming pool? No
Toilets? No
Picnic benches? Yes
Other facilities: Petanque
What I liked: It’s on a quiet cul-de-sac, across the street from the Bellevue complex, which houses Loisirs Saint-Sacrement. Though the playground equipment here is older, with faded, peeling paint and weird, grammatically incorrent English graffiti, children seem to love it. Older visitors enjoy the stone chess tables and petanque terrain.
What I didn’t like: In summer, the park is used by day camps, as well as many of the nearby daycares, so it can be very busy and crowded.
Tip: Loisirs Saint-Sacrement is responsible for this park, as well as many others in the area. In normal times, they have lots of great activities for children and adults. I particularly like their excellent salle de psychomotricité (motor skills room) for toddlers, which is free to use. They also offer free tea and coffee, toilets, changing facilities and parking. They are located across the street at door number 4.
