Arrondissement: Charlesbourg
Address: 130 50e Rue Est
Nearest bus stop: 52 Rue E (buses 331, 530, 801)
Parking: Free car park
Playground surface: Wood chips
Age range: 18 months-5 years; 5-12 years
Swings? Yes - 2 for babies; 2 for older children
Sandbox? Yes
Splashpad? No
Swimming pool? Yes, with attached paddling pool
Toilets? Unknown - probably in the pool building?
Picnic tables? Unknown - will check next time.
Other facilities: Baseball field, basketball court, beach volleyball court, ice rink, petanque terrains, skate park, tennis courts
What I liked: The distinctive red-and-turquoise Little Tikes playground equipment had things I have never seen anywhere else, things I don’t know the name for, things I had no idea how to use. There was also an Expression Swing for parents and babies (see below). I first heard about these on a website called Stroller Parking, which reviews playgrounds in the Montreal area, and had been wondering why we didn’t have any in Quebec City, so I was very excited to try it. Both Sebastian and Penelope loved it!
What I didn’t like: Nothing.
