Address: 1935 Avenue Lortie, Quebec QC, G1E 3E5
Nearest bus stop: Lortie (800, 54, 51, 53)
Parking: street parking with no time frame
Playground surface: woodchips
Age range: 12 months and up
Swings? Yes 4 older kid swings and 2 baby
Sandbox? No
Splashpad? No
Swimming pool? No
Toilets? No
Picnic tables? Yes
Other facilities: 2 playgrounds (older and toddler sizes)
What I liked: I really like the climbing challenge the playground for the old kids provokes. There is a train theme. This park is very visible from all points.
What I didn’t like: The playground has a paved sidewalk that goes through it which can create it difficult for toddlers adjusting their running speed amongst different grounds creating extra falling opportunities.