Arrondissment: Beauport
Address: Rue des Monqueurs, Quebec City, QC
Nearest bus stop: 250, 53, 802
Parking: street parking available
Playground surface: Woodchips and sponge bounce floor
Age range: 9 months and up
Swings? 2 older kid swings and 2 baby
Sandbox? No
Splashpad? No
Swimming pool? No
Toilets? No
Picnic tables? No
Other facilities: Large grassy area directly beside the playground that is not sheltered or shaded with trees but great for picnics and grass play for babies.
What I liked: I really liked that the toddler playground has a lot of climbing things but stairs as well to challenge all phases of toddler! I also liked that the big kid playrgound had a slide that was accessible for toddlers.
What I didn’t like: lack of picnic tables.
*Important note* This park is brand new (July 2020) therefore there is no actual address for this park in google maps at this time.