Arrondissement: La Haute-Saint-Charles
Address: 4285 rue René-Chaloult
Nearest bus stop: de l’Astrolabe (buses 274 and 374)
Parking: Free car park or free street parking on rue René-Chaloult
Playground surface: Sand; synthetic; wood chips
Age range: 18 months-5 years. Older children can use the play equipment belonging to the nearby primary school.
Swings? Yes - 2 for babies; 2 for older children. There are also more swings in the school playgrounds.
Sandbox? Yes
Splashpad? No
Swimming pool? No
Toilets? Yes - but a sign on the door stated that they were exclusively for the use of day camps. I’m not sure whether they are available to everyone outside the summer season.
Picnic tables? Yes
Other facilities: Basketball court; (soccer) field; ice rink What I liked: Built in 2020, this is the newest playground we’ve visited so far. The design is visually striking, colourful and fun. There is also a big sandbox with a “sculpture workshop” table.
What I didn’t like: There are little green granules in the synthetic grass that smaller babies might pick up and eat. After doing a bit of research, I’ve learnt that this infill - which weighs the grass down, protects it from discolouration and stains and prevents the growth of bacteria - is safe for human and animal consumption but some parents might not feel comfortable taking that risk.
