Arrondissment: La Haute-Saint-Charles
Address: 1525 rue de l'Innovation
Nearest bus stop: Emerson (70, 77, 84, 984)
Parking: Free parking in the Parc-o-Bus
Playground surface: Sand; wood chips
Age range: 18 months-5 years; 5-12 years
Swings? Yes - 3 for babies; 3 for older children
Sandbox? Yes
Splashpad? Yes
Swimming pool? Yes, there is an indoor one which I think is part of the nearby secondary school.
Toilets? Yes, but they were closed when we visited.
Picnic tables? Yes
Other facilities: American football pitch, basketball courts, football (soccer) pitches, skate ramp, tennis courts.
What I liked: For some reason, Sebastian loved running around the synthetic football pitch shouting “All blue!“ (the astroturf or whatever it was is blue and green).
What I didn’t like: One of the slides is boarded-up.
