Arrondissement: Les Rivières
Address: 3175 avenue Chaveau (Pavillon de service) or 3705 avenue Chauveau (Centre communautaire Michel-Labadie)
Nearest bus stop: Chauveau/5131 (buses 74, 274, 290, 574, 804)
Parking: Free car parks at both entrances
Playground surface: Wood chips
Age range: 5-12 years.
Swings? No
Sandbox? No
Splashpad? No
Swimming pool? Yes, there is an indoor pool in the Centre communautaire Michel-Labadie
Toilets? Yes
Picnic tables? Yes
Other facilities: Football (soccer) pitches, ice rink, skate park, cross-country ski trails. It’s also home to Sarbayä, the ‘treetop adventure park’.
What I liked: This quiet, peaceful woodland, which forms one of the 13 sectors of the Parc linéaire de la Rivière-Saint-Charles, covers 146 hectares and contains nearly 5 kilometres of walking trails - some of which are accessible with a stroller. It also offers canoeing, kayaking and fishing in the summer and cross-country skiing and snowshoeing in the winter.
What I didn’t like: The playground, was, well...disappointing. I think it might be fun for older children, but for younger ones, it doesn’t have much to offer. There is no sandbox, no swings, no splashpad. Also, there are only two benches next to the playground, one of which is not in the shade.
