Arrondissment: Beauport
Address: 69 Avenue Juchereau
Nearest bus stop: St-Jules (buses 54, 57, 250, 254, 255, 350, 354, 550, 800)
Parking: Free car park
Playground surface: Wood chips
Age range: 18 months+
Swings? Yes - 2 for babies; 2 for older children
Sandbox? No
Splashpad? No
Swimming pool? No
Toilets? No
Picnic tables? Yes - made from stone and super easy to clean and disinfect :)
Other facilities: River and Falls of Beauport
This location is a hidden gem in Beauport. It is beside the walking trail and biking path that runs alongside of the Rivière Beauport. This is an easy trail to walk with little ones to get some shade, throw rocks in the river and if you do the whole trail from the park upwards it will lead to a large beautiful waterfall. This playground is an excellent place for children who love to climb and seems to have an alien/spaceship theme. Very well maintained.